在安大略汉诺威一座建筑工地发现的12至18个月幼童的遗体,埋于一个世纪前。 Remains of a 12- to 18-month-old child, buried a century ago, found at a Hanover, Ontario, construction site.
在安大略省的汉诺威,一个大约100年前埋葬的12至18个月儿童的遗骸被发现在建筑工地。 In Hanover, Ontario, the remains of a 12- to 18-month-old child, buried about 100 years ago, were discovered at a construction site. 警方和专家确认遗体是历史性的,不是犯罪。 Police and experts confirmed the remains are historic, not criminal. 建筑工地已停工,安大略省葬葬、丧葬和火葬服务处将进行挖掘,以进行当地埋葬。 The construction site was halted, and the Ontario Funeral, Burial, and Cremation Services will handle the exhumation for a local burial. 当局将研究历史记录,以识别儿童和任何活着的亲属。 Authorities will research historical records to identify the child and any living relatives.