拉各斯墓地工人因与据称的共犯拥有人头骨而被捕。 Lagos cemetery workers arrested for possessing human skulls with alleged accomplice.
在拉各斯州Agege地方政府地区,一名墓地工人和两名同谋因持有五具头骨而被捕。 In Lagos State's Agege Local Government Area, a cemetery worker and two accomplices were arrested for possessing five human skulls. 他们在墓地被抓获,据称与侍从Ismaila合作,为非法活动采购人体部件。 They were caught at the cemetery, allegedly collaborating with the attendant, Ismaila, to procure body parts for illegal activities. 警察确认逮捕了这些人,并正在进一步调查,寻找更多的嫌疑人。 The police confirmed the arrests and are investigating further, seeking additional suspects. 一名目击者报告说,嫌疑人最初声称包里有叶子,然后才透露头骨。 An eyewitness reported the suspects initially claimed the bag contained leaves before revealing the skulls.