Tencent和Ubisoft的创始人讨论买断,目的是在维持家庭控制的同时增强Tencent的影响力。 Tencent and Ubisoft's founders discuss buyout, aiming to boost Tencent's influence while keeping family control.
Ubisoft(Ubisoft)以亚assassin's Creed(Assassin's Creed)等游戏闻名, 据报正在讨论由第二大股东Tencent(Tencent)和Guillemot(Guillemot)家族(拥有15%股份的创始人)牵头的潜在买断。 Ubisoft, known for games like Assassin's Creed, is reportedly in talks for a potential buyout led by Tencent, the second-largest shareholder, and the Guillemot family, the founders with a 15% stake. 讨论的重点是维持Guillemot家族的控制,同时给予Tencent在董事会决定中的更大发言权。 Discussions focus on maintaining the Guillemot family's control while giving Tencent a greater say in board decisions. 公司股价上下波动,最近由于这些谣言而上涨。 The company's share price has fluctuated, rising recently due to these rumors.