Ninety One SA 增加了其在 Take-Two Interactive 的股份,加入了其他投资者的行列,拥有该公司 95.46% 的股票。 Ninety One SA increased its stake in Take-Two Interactive, joining other investors owning 95.46% of the company's stock.
90个SA PTY有限公司将其对Take-Two交互式软件的股权增加了4.8%,拥有投资组合的1.6%。 Ninety One SA PTY Ltd increased its stake in Take-Two Interactive Software by 4.8%, owning 1.6% of its portfolio. 其他几家机构投资者也增加了其持有量,现在拥有Take-Two公司股票的95.46%。 Several other institutional investors have also increased their holdings, now owning 95.46% of Take-Two's stock. 该公司以Grand Theft Auto这样的游戏闻名,看到内幕人士买卖活动。 The company, known for games like Grand Theft Auto, has seen insider buying and selling activity. 其股份开放183.54美元,研究公司由于财政前景乐观而提高了价格目标。 Its shares opened at $183.54, with research firms raising their price targets due to positive financial outlooks.