红十字会代表访问了阿塞拜疆监狱中的亚美尼亚分离主义分子,使他们能够与家人沟通。 Red Cross representatives visit Armenian separatists in Azerbaijani prisons, allowing them to communicate with family.
红十字国际委员会(红十字委员会)的代表访问了被监禁在阿塞拜疆巴库的亚美尼亚分离主义分子。 Representatives from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) have visited Armenian separatists imprisoned in Baku, Azerbaijan. 访问使囚犯能够交换家庭新闻,提供与其亲人的重要联系。 The visit allows the prisoners to exchange family news, providing a vital link to their loved ones. 这一人道主义姿态旨在通过提供与家人沟通的机会,缓解被监禁者的条件。 This humanitarian gesture aims to ease the conditions for those incarcerated by offering a chance for communication with their families.