巴基斯坦旁遮普邦随着空气质量的改善,取消了对企业的早期关闭限制。 Punjab, Pakistan, lifts early closure restrictions on businesses as air quality improves.
巴基斯坦旁遮普邦政府已解除对市场、商场和餐馆的早期封闭限制, The Punjab government in Pakistan has lifted early closure restrictions on markets, malls, and restaurants due to improved air quality. 该决定于星期五宣布,允许在拉合尔、穆尔坦和该省其他地区的企业在正常时间内营业。 The decision, announced on Friday, allows businesses in Lahore, Multan, and other parts of the province to operate under normal hours. 这一行动为企业业主和公众提供救济,由当局进行监测,以确保空气质量保持可接受的水平。 The move provides relief to business owners and the public, with authorities monitoring to ensure continued acceptable air quality.