巴基斯坦部长回顾了13个项目的进展,重点是机场外包和港口效率。 Pakistani minister reviews progress on 13 projects, focusing on airport outsourcing and port efficiency.
巴基斯坦规划部长Ahsan Iqbal主持了一次会议,审查13个关键政府项目的进展情况,重点是机场外包、新建屠宰场和减少卡拉奇港的货运量。 Pakistani Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal chaired a meeting to review progress on 13 key government projects, focusing on airport outsourcing, a new slaughterhouse, and reducing cargo load at Karachi Port. 这次会议还与公私伙伴关系管理局(P3A)讨论了建立新的货运走廊的计划,并与各部委合作提高港口效率。 The meeting, with the Public-Private Partnership Authority (P3A), also discussed plans for a new freight corridor and collaboration with ministries to enhance port efficiency. 该部长强调,需要及时执行和部际协调。 The minister emphasized the need for timely implementation and inter-ministerial coordination.