巴基斯坦委员会讨论旨在改善国家连通性和道路安全的基础设施项目。 Pakistani committee discusses infrastructure projects to improve national connectivity and road safety.
巴基斯坦通信常设委员会举行会议,讨论了旨在加强国家连通性和道路安全的关键基础设施项目。 The Standing Committee on Communications in Pakistan met to discuss key infrastructure projects aimed at enhancing national connectivity and road safety. 他们审查了Khairpur-Larkana桥等项目以及海得拉巴-卡拉奇公路的拥挤状况。 They reviewed projects like the Khairpur-Larkana Bridge and congestion on the Hyderabad-Karachi Road. 该委员会强调及时完成项目,建议优先减少避免财务风险的计划,并敦促严格管制超载车辆。 The committee emphasized timely project completion, recommended prioritizing fewer schemes to avoid financial risks, and urged strict regulations against overloaded vehicles.