纽约警局的追逐以致命枪击而告终,因为乘客用枪指着警官;车内婴儿无伤。 NYPD chase ends in fatal shooting after passenger pointed a gun at officers; baby in car uninjured.
在纽约市,在警察接到枪声侦测系统的警示后,警察高速追逐结束时,一名乘客和受伤司机被枪杀。 In New York City, a high-speed police chase ended with the fatal shooting of a passenger and the driver wounded after officers were alerted by a gunshot detection system. 追逐开始于一辆车 车牌号为州外车牌的车 开着红色灯 The chase began when a car with an out-of-state license plate ran red lights. 当警察接近时,该乘客用枪指着枪,导致枪击。 When police approached, the passenger pointed a gun, leading to the shooting. 汽车中发现一个婴儿,并被送往医院,据报告是安全的。 A baby in the car was discovered and taken to a hospital, reported to be safe. 这名已死亡的乘客因杀人案被通缉。 The deceased passenger was wanted for homicide.