Meade县警察查封了37个大麻植物,并逮捕了一名男子, Meade County police seized 37 marijuana plants and arrested a man after a tip about a home grow operation.
在肯塔基州Meade县,警方在接到关于行动增加的消息后,从家中查获了37株大麻植物。 Police in Meade County, Kentucky, seized 37 marijuana plants from a home after receiving a tip about a growing operation. 他们逮捕了一名50岁男子Michael J. Nolen, 罪名包括种植大麻和持有受管制物质。 They arrested a 50-year-old man, Michael J. Nolen, on charges including cultivating marijuana and possessing a controlled substance. Meade县治安官办公室促请公众通过他们的希望热线报告与毒品有关的线索。 The Meade County Sheriff's Office urges the public to report drug-related tips via their HOPE line.