35 岁的哥伦布男子 Ryan Marquart 在交通截停期间因携带 170 磅大麻而被捕;被控意图运送大麻;这是埃尔克霍恩一年内第三次大规模缉获大麻。 35-year-old Columbus man, Ryan Marquart, arrested with 170 lbs of marijuana during traffic stop; charged with intent to deliver; 3rd significant seizure to Elkhorn in a year.
35 岁的哥伦布男子 Ryan Marquart 被逮捕,原因是苏厄德县副警长在一次交通拦截中在他的车里发现了大约 170 磅大麻。 35-year-old Columbus man, Ryan Marquart, was arrested after a Seward County deputy discovered approximately 170 pounds of marijuana in his car during a traffic stop. 马夸特被指控持有管制物质并意图贩卖,目前被关押在苏厄德县拘留中心。 Marquart was charged with possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver and is being held at the Seward County Detention Center. 据苏厄德县警长办公室称,这是过去一年中埃尔克霍恩第三次查获大规模大麻。 This is the third significant marijuana seizure destined for Elkhorn in the past year, according to the Seward County Sheriff's Office.