俄克拉荷马州当局从未注册的种植作业中查封了1,600多株大麻植物。 Oklahoma authorities seized over 1,600 marijuana plants from an unregistered grow operation.
俄克拉荷马州当局从庞托克州的一项种植行动中 查获了超过1600个大麻植物和七磅加工大麻 Oklahoma authorities seized over 1,600 marijuana plants and seven pounds of processed marijuana from a grow operation in Pontotoc County. 这次袭击由俄克拉荷马州缉毒局进行,目标是Ada附近的1560号县道上一个未登记的种植地。 The raid, conducted by the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics, targeted an unregistered cultivation site on County Road 1560 near Ada. 涉及俄克拉荷马公路巡逻队和庞托托克县警察局的调查仍在进行中,逮捕工作尚待进行。 The investigation, which involved the Oklahoma Highway Patrol and the Pontotoc County Sheriff's Office, is ongoing, with arrests pending.