维吉尼亚离岸风力项目的庞大基础 已经从丹麦运来 支持660 000个家庭风力农场 A massive foundation for Virginia's offshore wind project has been shipped from Denmark to support the 660,000-home wind farm.
弗吉尼亚沿海近海风力项目的三个大型基金会中的第一个基金会已离开丹麦前往美国。 The first of three massive foundations for the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project has left Denmark for the U.S. 60公尺的2 445.6吨结构将支持Dominion能源公司2.6GW风力农场的离岸变压器。 The 60-meter-tall, 2,445.6-ton structure will support an offshore transformer in Dominion Energy's 2.6 GW wind farm. 该项目位于弗吉尼亚海滩外,将包括176台涡轮机,并在2026年投入使用后向66万户家庭提供电力。 This project, located off Virginia Beach, will include 176 turbines and supply power to 660,000 homes once operational in 2026.