美国海洋能源管理局批准了 Equinor 的 Empire Wind 项目,这是一个纽约大型海上风电场,将于 2026 年开始建设并为 70 万多个家庭供电。 The US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management approves Equinor's Empire Wind project, a massive offshore NY wind farm, to start construction and power 700k+ homes by 2026.
美国海洋能源管理局已批准挪威国家石油公司开始在纽约海岸建造一座大型海上风电场。 The US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has approved Norway's Equinor to start building a massive offshore wind farm off the coast of New York. Empire Wind 项目位于长岛以南 12 海里处,一旦建成,每年有可能为超过 700,000 户家庭供电,并可能在 2026 年开始向纽约供电。 The Empire Wind project, located 12 nautical miles south of Long Island, has the potential to power over 700,000 homes annually once constructed and could begin delivering power to New York by 2026. 该项目预计将在帮助美国和纽约等州实现电网脱碳和应对气候变化的目标方面发挥关键作用。 The project is expected to play a key role in helping the US and states such as New York meet their goals to decarbonize the power grid and combat climate change.