在伦敦发生狗攻击后,一名男子死亡;屋主被逮捕,并被指控犯有多项罪行。 A man died after a dog attack in London; the owner was arrested and charged with multiple offenses.
周三早上一只狗袭击后 42岁的老人在伦敦东部死亡 A 42-year-old man died in east London after a dog attack on Wednesday morning. 事件发生后警方于凌晨4点53分对斯特拉特福德的Shirley Road作出反应。 Police responded to Shirley Road in Stratford after the incident at around 4:53 am. 32岁的居民Leanne McDonnell被捕,被控拥有一只危险的失控狗,造成致命伤,未能确保狗的福利,并拥有一只打架狗。 Leanne McDonnell, a 32-year-old resident, was arrested and charged with owning a dangerously out-of-control dog that caused fatal injuries, failing to ensure the dog's welfare, and owning a fighting dog. McDonnell还面临另一起事件的指控。 McDonnell also faces charges from a separate incident. 涉案的狗被扣押,她应于星期五出庭。 The dog involved was seized, and she is due in court on Friday.