一名81岁的妇女在安大略省Bonfield的家中被狗袭击后死亡;没有提出指控。 An 81-year-old woman died after a dog attack at her home in Bonfield, Ontario; no charges are filed.
一名81岁的妇女在安大略省Bonfield的家中被狗袭击后死亡。 An 81-year-old woman died after a dog attack at her home in Bonfield, Ontario. 安大略省警察对911电话作出反应,报告了涉及与受害者一起生活的三只狗的致命事件。 The Ontario Provincial Police responded to a 911 call reporting the fatal incident involving three dogs that lived with the victim. 没有涉嫌作恶,也没有起诉。 No foul play is suspected, and no charges are being pursued. 这些狗已被当地动物福利机构隔离。 The dogs have been quarantined with a local animal welfare agency.