老挝和泰国签署了使国际出口牛业现代化的协议。 Laos and Thailand sign agreement to modernize cattle industry for international exports.
老挝和泰国签署了一项协定,通过使生产现代化和符合国际标准来推动牛业的发展。 Laos and Thailand have signed an agreement to advance their cattle industry by modernizing production and aligning with international standards. 该谅解备忘录包括以下计划:进口优质牛、鼓励饲料作物种植、建立现代育种中心、扩大牛品种以满足市场需求。 The Memorandum of Understanding includes plans to import high-quality cattle, encourage fodder crop cultivation, set up a modern breeding center, and expand cattle breeds to meet market demands. 这一合作的目的是将牛产量提高到适合国际出口的工业水平。 This collaboration aims to elevate cattle production to an industrial level suitable for international exports.