由于美国和巴西的产量下降,2025年全球牛肉产量下降,澳大利亚和南美洲的市场份额增加。 2025 global beef production declines due to production drops in the US and Brazil, with Australia and South America gaining market shares.
Rabobank的《全球牛肉季刊报告》预测,尽管澳大利亚的牛肉产量预期会增加,但全球牛肉产量在即将到来的季度和2025年将下降。 Rabobank's Global Beef Quarterly report forecasts a decline in global beef production for the upcoming quarter and into 2025, despite expected increases in Australia. 包括美国和巴西在内的主要牛肉生产国的产量正在下降。 Key beef-producing nations, including the US and Brazil, are experiencing production drops. 中国作为最大的牛肉进口国,消费者的偏好正在转向价格低廉的高质量蛋白质,使中低端市场的南美供应商受益,而澳大利亚和美国则侧重于高端部分。 In China, the largest beef importer, consumer preferences are shifting towards affordable, high-quality proteins, benefiting South American suppliers in low to medium-end markets, while Australia and the US focus on higher-end segments.