喀拉拉法庭批评塞巴里马拉的演员迪利普(Dileep at Sabarimala)受到特殊待遇, 妨碍朝圣者。 Kerala court criticizes special treatment for actor Dileep at Sabarimala, obstructing pilgrims.
喀拉拉高等法院批评Travancore Devaswom董事会和警察对演员Dilep在访问萨巴里马拉寺庙时给予特殊待遇,阻碍其他朝圣者。 The Kerala High Court criticized the Travancore Devaswom Board and police for giving special treatment to actor Dileep during his visit to the Sabarimala temple, obstructing other pilgrims. 法院指示董事会确保此类贵宾达尔尚事件不会妨碍朝圣者在节日期间出入。 The court directed the board to ensure such VIP darshan incidents do not hinder pilgrims' access during the festival season. 它还下令提交关于人群管理的报告,并威胁对给予特权的官员提起藐视法庭诉讼。 It also ordered reports on crowd management and threatened contempt proceedings against officials granting special privileges.