印度达克希纳坎纳达邦的印度教穆斯林紧张局势因拒绝参加伊德·米拉德游行而升级, Hindu-Muslim tensions escalate in Dakshina Kannada, India, over Eid Milad procession denial, leading to protests and violence.
印度Dakshina Kannada的紧张局势在穆斯林领导人的挑衅性言论之后升级,该领导人领导印度教团体计划在开斋节期间在不列颠哥伦比亚路游行。 Tensions in Dakshina Kannada, India, escalated following provocative statements by a Muslim leader, leading Hindu groups to plan a procession on BC Road during Eid Milad. 当局不准游行,导致礼拜场所发生抗议和投掷石块事件。 Authorities denied permission for the procession, resulting in protests and stone-pelting incidents at places of worship. 警方加强了安全,登记了针对VHP和Bajrang Dal领导人的煽动性言论的案件,并监测社交媒体的进一步挑衅行为。 The police have increased security, registered cases against leaders of the VHP and Bajrang Dal for inflammatory remarks, and are monitoring social media for further provocations.