印度提高外国存款的利率上限,以吸引更多资本和稳定卢比。 India raises interest rate caps on foreign deposits to attract more capital and stabilize the rupee.
印度储备银行提高了外币非居民存款的利率上限,以吸引更多的外国资本和稳定印度卢比。 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) increased interest rate ceilings on Foreign Currency Non-Resident (FCNR) deposits to attract more foreign capital and stabilize the Indian rupee. 银行现在可以对非驻地印第安人的存款提供较高的利率,1-3年的存款利率以过夜替代参考利率加400个基点为上限,3-5年的存款以ARR加500个基点为上限。 Banks can now offer higher interest rates on deposits from Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), with rates for 1-3 year deposits capped at the overnight Alternative Reference Rate (ARR) plus 400 basis points and 3-5 year deposits at ARR plus 500 basis points. 此举的目的是在具有挑战性的经济环境中提升印度的外汇储备。 This move aims to boost India's foreign exchange reserves amid a challenging economic environment.