履行机构建议RBI转换 CRR使用并预测2月将削减25个基点回购率。 SBI recommends RBI shift CRR use and predicts a 25 basis points repo rate cut in February.
印度国家银行建议印度储备银行将现金储备比率的使用从流动性管理工具转变为监管干预工具,作为基于经济需求的缓冲。 The State Bank of India (SBI) suggests the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) shift the use of the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) from a liquidity management tool to a regulatory intervention tool, acting as a buffer based on the economy's needs. 报告还建议更换现行主要政策费率,即加权平均呼叫率(WACR),并预测在2025年2月的RBI会议上,回购率将减少25个基点,预计年内将总共减少75个基点。 The report also recommends replacing the current main policy rate, the Weighted Average Call Rate (WACR), and predicts a 25 basis points cut in the repo rate at the RBI's February 2025 meeting, with an expected total reduction of 75 basis points during the year.