印度银行于2024年8月1日提高了短期和中期存款的固定存款利率。 Bank of India increased fixed deposit interest rates for short-term and medium-term deposits on August 1, 2024.
印度银行于2024年8月1日修订了其定期存款利率,使短期和中期存款的利率上升,低于Rs.3 crore。 Bank of India revised its fixed deposit rates on August 1, 2024, increasing interest rates for short-term and medium-term deposits less than Rs.3 crore. 6个月或6个月以上到期的超级老年公民在存款上额外领取0.65%的附加金,而老年公民则领取0.50%的递增金。 Super Senior Citizens receive an additional 0.65% on deposits with maturity periods of six months and above, while Senior Citizens receive a 0.50% increment. 银行针对FDs和过早退出选择提供贷款便利。 The bank offers loan facilities against FDs and premature withdrawal options. 客户可以通过分行或BOI Omni Neo App/Internet银行开具FD。 Customers can open FDs through branches or the BOI Omni Neo App/internet banking.