BC警告本周末会有高雪崩风险,特别是在海岸山区和乔治王子东面。 BC warns of high avalanche risks this weekend, especially in the Coast Mountains and east of Prince George.
不列颠哥伦比亚省政府警告,本周末雪崩风险会上升,特别是在海岸山区和乔治王子以东的地区。 The British Columbia government warns of rising avalanche risks this weekend, especially in the Coast Mountains and areas east of Prince George. 紧急事件官员建议检查加拿大阿瓦兰切公司的预测,并在进入后方国家之前向其他人通报你的计划。 Emergency officials recommend checking Avalanche Canada's forecasts and informing others of your plans before heading into the backcountry. 风险程度各有不同,有些地区达到“高”程度,而另一些地区则达到“可观”或“中度”。 Risk levels vary, with some areas reaching "high" and others at "considerable" or "moderate."