英国的全纤宽带接入覆盖了69%的家庭,其速度和5G覆盖率正在上升。 UK's full-fibre broadband access reaches 69% of homes, with speeds and 5G coverage on the rise.
超过2 000万个联合王国家庭现在拥有全纤宽带,占所有家庭的69%,比去年的57%有所增加。 Over 20 million UK homes now have access to full-fibre broadband, representing 69% of all households, up from 57% last year. 这一进展使联合王国走上了达到其2025年85%能够实现的宽带覆盖率目标的正轨。 This progress puts the UK on track to meet its 2025 goal of 85% gigabit-capable broadband coverage. 平均峰值下载速度从170Mbit/秒增加到223Mbit/秒。 The average peak download speed has increased to 223Mbit/s from 170Mbit/s. 报告还指出,5G移动覆盖率有所上升,卫星宽带用户显著增加,特别是在农村地区。 The report also noted a rise in 5G mobile coverage and a significant increase in satellite broadband subscriptions, particularly in rural areas.