61岁的Bob Ely和52岁的Diane Cooper因在迈阿密剥削和偷窃一名残疾妇女而被捕,他们面临无数重罪指控。 61-year-old Bob Ely and 52-year-old Diane Cooper arrested for exploiting and stealing from a disabled woman in Miami, facing numerous felony charges.
在迈阿密,61岁的Bob Ely和52岁的Diane Cooper据称因剥削一名残疾妇女和偷窃约71 000美元而被捕。 In Miami, Bob Ely, 61, and Diane Cooper, 52, were arrested for allegedly exploiting a disabled woman and stealing around $71,000. Broward治安官办公室在收到举报后于7月开始调查。 The Broward Sheriff's Office began investigating in July after receiving a tip. 据报道,Ely用火器威胁受害者,迫使她提取现金,使用借记卡。 Ely reportedly threatened the victim with a firearm to force her to withdraw cash and use her debit card. 两人都面临多重重罪指控,包括剥削成年残疾人和大盗。 Both face multiple felony charges, including exploitation of a disabled adult and grand theft. Ely还被指控犯有严重攻击罪和持有火器罪。 Ely is additionally charged with aggravated assault and firearm possession.