英国的癌症存活率是世界上最差的。 The UK's cancer survival rates are among the worst in the world.
如果英国的生存率能够提高到与其他拥有相同财富和收入的国家相匹配,那么英国每年可以挽救数千人的生命。 Thousands of lives could be saved each year in the UK if survivability rates increased to match other countries of the same wealth and income. 生存率较低的癌症工作组估计,如果改善对那些被诊断患有生存率较低的癌症的人的护理,每年可以挽救 8,000 人的生命。 The Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce estimates that 8,000 lives could be spared annually if improvements were made in care for those diagnosed with less survivable cancers. 目前,英国是六种最致命癌症中三种癌症存活率最差的国家之一。 Currently, the UK ranks among the worst countries for people surviving three of the six deadliest forms of cancer.