警方在新西兰克伦顿公园调查枪击死亡事件,在甘巴雷广场附近寻找证人。 Police investigate shooting death in Clendon Park, New Zealand, seek witnesses near Gambare Place.
在一名枪伤男子被带到当地医疗中心后,后来在Middlemore医院死亡后,正在新西兰Clendon Park进行凶杀案调查。 A homicide investigation is underway in Clendon Park, New Zealand, after a man with gunshot wounds was brought to a local medical center and later died at Middlemore Hospital. 警方正在调查附近的一个地址,并计划进行现场检查和验尸。 Police are investigating a nearby address and plan to conduct a scene examination and post-mortem. 预计该地区的警察人数将会增加,当局正在敦促任何在Gambare Place附近目睹可疑活动的人提供情报。 Increased police presence is expected in the area, and authorities are urging anyone who witnessed suspicious activity near Gambare Place to come forward with information.