23岁男子因谋杀而被捕, 24岁女子因参与新西兰威灵顿山刺杀案. 23-year-old man arrested for murder, 24-year-old woman as accessory in Mount Wellington, NZ stabbing.
在星期六下午发生致命刺杀事件后, 新西兰惠灵顿山正在调查凶杀案。 A homicide investigation is underway in Mount Wellington, New Zealand, following a fatal stabbing on Saturday afternoon. 发现一名男子在Tomuri Place住所受重伤,后来宣布死亡。 A man was found critically injured at a Tomuri Place residence and later pronounced dead. 警察逮捕了一名23岁的男子,罪名是谋杀,一名24岁的妇女为从犯。 Police have arrested a 23-year-old man for murder and a 24-year-old woman as an accessory. 两人都预定出庭。 Both are scheduled to appear in court. 当局向公众保证没有其他嫌疑人,并计划进行尸体解剖。 Authorities assure the public that there are no other suspects and an autopsy is planned. 该地区的警察人数继续增加。 Increased police presence continues in the area.