奥克兰Blockhouse Bay一名男子受致命伤;警察正在调查一起杀人案。 A man was fatally injured in Blockhouse Bay, Auckland; police are investigating a homicide.
在拉特林街一名男子受重伤后,奥克兰的Blockhouse Bay正进行凶杀案调查。 A homicide investigation is ongoing in Auckland's Blockhouse Bay after a man was critically injured on Rathlin Street. 警方于上午11时37分抵达,尽管紧急服务处试图这样做,受害人仍当场死亡。 Police arrived at 11:37am and despite emergency services' attempts, the victim died at the scene. 当局正在支助受害者家属并进行现场检查。 Authorities are supporting the victim's family and conducting a scene examination. 调查尚处于早期阶段,预计该地区的警察人数将增加。 The investigation is in its early stages, with increased police presence expected in the area. 将约谈证人,并可匿名提供信息。 Witnesses will be interviewed, and information can be provided anonymously.