巴基斯坦从一艘沉船营救了12名印度船员,展示了区域海事合作。 Pakistan rescues 12 Indian crew members from a sinking ship, showcasing regional maritime cooperation.
巴基斯坦海事当局在收到印度官员的紧急请求后,从一艘沉没的货轮中解救了12名印度船员。 Pakistani maritime authorities rescued 12 Indian crew members from a sinking cargo ship after receiving an urgent request from Indian officials. 巴基斯坦海事安全局(PMSA)协调救援工作,利用船只、船只和飞机,并与印度海岸警卫队合作。 The Pakistan Maritime Security Agency (PMSA) coordinated the rescue, using ships, boats, and aircraft, and worked with the Indian Coast Guard. 这次行动突出了巴基斯坦对国际海事安全标准和区域合作的承诺。 This operation highlighted Pakistan's commitment to international maritime safety standards and regional cooperation.