塞舌尔国防军从一艘被索马里海盗劫持的船上救出了六名斯里兰卡渔民。 The Seychelles Defense Forces rescued six Sri Lankan fishermen from a ship hijacked by Somali pirates.
两天前,六名斯里兰卡渔民的船只被索马里海盗劫持,随后塞舌尔国防军和海岸警卫队救出了他们。 Six Sri Lankan fishermen were rescued by Seychelles' defense forces and coast guard after their vessel was hijacked by Somali pirates two days earlier. 三名劫机者被捕,渔民和他们的船安全了。 The three hijackers were arrested, and the fishermen and their boat are safe. 塞舌尔总统办公室证实了此次救援,斯里兰卡渔业部证实了斯里兰卡驻塞舌尔特使对这两名男子的救援。 The Seychelles president's office confirmed the rescue, while the Fisheries Department of Sri Lanka confirmed the men's rescue by the Sri Lankan envoy to the Seychelles.