新西兰能源领导人提议改革,以降低成本,提高工业竞争力。 New Zealand energy leaders propose reforms to lower costs and boost industrial competitiveness.
新西兰能源领导人开会讨论高成本和潜在的去工业化问题。 New Zealand's energy leaders met to address high costs and potential de-industrialization. 他们建议设立一个单一的监管机构,将热定价和可再生定价分开,并改进电力采购协议,使能源更能负担得起。 They proposed a single regulator, separating thermal and renewable pricing, and improving Power Purchase Agreements to make energy more affordable. 这些建议将成为2月份为改革能源部门和提高工业竞争力而启动的一项行动计划的一部分。 These recommendations will be part of an action plan launching in February to reform the energy sector and boost industrial competitiveness.