Mukwonago董事会推迟计划让警察为学生发放手机使用票, Mukwonago board postpones plan to let police ticket students for cellphone use due to parent backlash.
Mukwonago村董事会无限期推迟一项提案, 允许警察在面对父母的反弹后, 向在校学生发放手机使用罚单。 The Mukwonago village board has indefinitely postponed a proposal to allow police to ticket students for using cellphones in school after facing backlash from parents. 校区的新政策完全禁止在学日期间使用手机, The school district's new policy completely bans cellphone use during the school day, but enforcement has been challenging. 家长对警察参与学校纪律问题表示关切,认为这导致董事会决定不批准该法令。 Parents expressed concerns about involving police in school discipline, leading the board to decide against the ordinance.