德国的一名医院工人被十字弓打死;警察在巴伐利亚逮捕了一名嫌疑人。 A hospital worker in Germany was killed with a crossbow; police arrested a suspect in Bavaria.
在德国Bad Zwesteren,一名50岁的医院工人被十字弓打死。 A 50-year-old hospital worker in Bad Zwesten, Germany, was killed with a crossbow. 警方在巴伐利亚的一个公路休息区逮捕了一名58岁的嫌疑犯,他们来自奥地利附近的帕苏地区。 Police arrested a 58-year-old suspect from the Passau region near Austria at a highway rest area in Bavaria. 调查仍在进行中,当局没有透露任何关于潜在动机的信息。 The investigation is ongoing, and authorities have not disclosed any information about a potential motive.