23岁的建筑工人在亚特兰大西南部被枪杀 警方正在调查 23-year-old construction worker fatally shot in southwest Atlanta, police investigating.
一名23岁的建筑工人星期六在亚特兰大西南面在一处住房建筑工地工作时被枪杀。 A 23-year-old construction worker was fatally shot on Saturday in southwest Atlanta while working at a housing construction site. 受害人的父亲报告说,他的儿子在面对闯入其卡车的两名男子之后遭到袭击。 The victim's father reported that his son was attacked after confronting two men who broke into his truck. 该工人多处枪伤,在现场死亡。 The worker sustained multiple gunshot wounds and died at the scene. 亚特兰大警方正在调查这一事件,试图查明嫌疑人并确定动机。 Atlanta police are investigating the incident, seeking to identify suspects and determine the motive. 尚未公布进一步详情。 No further details have been released.