2人被打死,1人在德国工作场所的枪击中受重伤;搜捕正在进行中。 Two killed, one critically injured in a workplace shooting in Germany; manhunt underway.
星期二下午5时45分左右,在德国Bad Friedrichshall的一家公司遭到枪击,两名男子被打死,另一人受重伤。 一名戴面罩的人进入房舍,向受害者开枪。 Two men were killed and another critically injured in a shooting at a company in Bad Friedrichshall, Germany, on Tuesday around 5:45 p.m. A masked individual entered the premises and shot the victims. 当局正在大规模搜查肇事者,包括一架直升机,但说没有立即对公众构成危险。 Authorities are searching for the perpetrator with a large operation, including a helicopter, but say there is no immediate danger to the public. 目前还不知道受害者的身份和其他细节。 The identities of the victims and other details are not yet known.