前英国啦啦队教练Rosanna Awan因性虐待一名13岁青少年被判处10年徒刑。 Former UK cheerleading coach Rosanna Awan sentenced to 10 years for sexually abusing a 13-year-old.
Rosanna Awan是一名34岁的联合王国前啦啦队教练,因性虐待一名13岁女孩而被判处10年徒刑。 Rosanna Awan, a 34-year-old former cheerleading coach in the UK, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for sexually abusing a 13-year-old girl she coached. 虐待行为包括不适当的触摸,并升级为性活动。 The abuse included inappropriate touching and escalated to sexual activity. Awan被判犯有4项与儿童发生性活动罪和1项煽动性活动罪,Awan还将面临10年限制令、10年性伤害预防令和终生性罪犯登记。 Found guilty of four counts of sexual activity with a child and one count of inciting sexual activity, Awan will also face a 10-year restraining order, a 10-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order, and lifetime registration as a sex offender.