艾米丽·泰勒-雷诺兹 (Emily Taylor-Renolds) 因供应毒品和性侵犯一名 13 岁儿童而被判刑;合伙人得到三年。 Emily Taylor-Renolds sentenced for drug supply and sexual assault on a 13-year-old; partner got three years.
来自卡布尔彻的 33 岁的艾米丽·让·泰勒-雷诺兹 (Emily Jean Taylor-Renolds) 在承认 2018 年在她的伴侣迈克尔·安东尼·霍尔贝克 (Michael Anthony Holbeck) 的指导下供应毒品和性虐待一名 13 岁男孩后免于入狱,后者被判入狱三年。 Emily Jean Taylor-Renolds, 33, from Caboolture, was spared jail time after pleading guilty to supplying drugs and sexually abusing a 13-year-old boy in 2018, under the direction of her partner Michael Anthony Holbeck, who got three years in prison. 泰勒-雷诺兹被判处两年缓刑和 12 个月缓刑。 Taylor-Renolds was sentenced to two years' suspended imprisonment and a 12-month probation. 受害者遭受了严重的心理创伤,包括无家可归和自杀念头。 The victim suffered severe psychological trauma, including homelessness and thoughts of suicide.