安大略省前财政部长德怀特·邓肯 (Dwight Duncan) 任命温莎大学 (University of Windsor) 为新任校长。 Former Ontario finance minister Dwight Duncan named new chancellor at University of Windsor.
安大略省前财政部长兼副省长德怀特·邓肯 (Dwight Duncan) 被任命为温莎大学第九任校长。 Dwight Duncan, a former Ontario finance minister and deputy premier, has been named the University of Windsor's ninth chancellor. Duncan将正式担任授予学位并代表大学出席2025年春季大会期间的外部活动。 An alumnus with two earned degrees and an honorary doctorate from the university, Duncan will officially take on the role of conferring degrees and representing the university at external events during Spring 2025 Convocation. 他接替Mary Jo Haddad,后者将于2025年5月31日下台。 He succeeds Mary Jo Haddad, who will step down on May 31, 2025.