Zelenskyy在布鲁塞尔会见欧盟领导人, 讨论乌克兰在美国政策关注下对战争的支持。 Zelenskyy meets EU leaders in Brussels to discuss Ukraine's war support amid US policy concerns.
乌克兰总统Zelenskyy将于12月19日在布鲁塞尔会见来自英国、法国、德国、意大利和波兰的领导人, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy will meet with leaders from the UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Poland in Brussels on December 19 to discuss support for Ukraine's war with Russia. 北约主持的会谈旨在解决人们对美国在返回的特朗普总统领导下的支持可能发生变化日益关切的问题。 The NATO-hosted talks aim to address growing concerns over potential shifts in US support under the returning President Trump. 包括Zelenskyy在内的一些欧洲盟友提议向乌克兰部署欧洲部队,以遏制俄罗斯的进一步侵略。 Some European allies, including Zelenskyy, propose deploying European troops to Ukraine as a deterrent against further Russian aggression. 这次会议将是政治性的,侧重于今后几周的战略,而不作出具体决定。 The meeting will be political, focusing on strategies for the coming weeks without making concrete decisions.