苹果公司与中国的白度公司面临人工智能整合问题,影响iPhone的销售和隐私。 Apple faces AI integration issues with Baidu in China, affecting iPhone sales and privacy.
苹果公司在将Baidu的人工智能模型融入在中国销售的iPhones时面临挑战, Apple is facing challenges in integrating Baidu's AI models into iPhones sold in China, affecting the accuracy of responses and prompting privacy concerns. 这种协作旨在加强像Siri这样的AI特征,但由于苹果公司严格的隐私政策,禁止为AI培训收集数据,因此产生了一些问题。 This collaboration aims to enhance AI features like Siri, but issues have arisen due to Apple's strict privacy policies, which prohibit data collection for AI training. 与此同时,中国的iPhone销售量下降了0.3%,与华威的42%的涨幅形成对比。 Meanwhile, iPhone sales in China have slipped 0.3%, contrasting with Huawei's 42% surge. 苹果公司的隐私承诺与Baidu分析用户数据的需求相冲突, 推迟了AI功能的推出, 并有可能影响中国的iPhone销售。 Apple's privacy commitments clash with Baidu's need to analyze user data, delaying the launch of AI features and potentially impacting iPhone sales in China.