在南非塔塔齐姆比,一场拥挤的补选反映了当地对全国政治转变的挫折感和暗示。 In Thabazimbi, South Africa, a crowded by-election reflects local frustrations and hints at national political shifts.
在南非塔塔齐姆比,正在举行补选,来自21个政党的400多名候选人竞选24个市政席位。 In Thabazimbi, South Africa, a by-election is underway with over 400 candidates from 21 parties vying for 24 municipal seats. 这次选举对执政党ANC至关重要, 也涉及Jacob Zuma的MK党与EFF, 面对服务提供不善等问题, The election, crucial for the ruling ANC, also involves Jacob Zuma's MK party and the EFF, amidst issues like poor service delivery. 选举有51 000名登记选民,反映了地方的挫折感,并被视为2026年选举的一个关键指标。 With 51,000 registered voters, the election reflects local frustrations and is seen as a key indicator for the 2026 elections.