印度国家绿色法庭(National Green法庭)因环境关切, 停止在诺伊达的未经许可建筑工程。 India's National Green Tribunal halts unauthorized construction in Noida over environmental concerns.
国家绿色法庭(NGT)已停止大Noida和Noida的未授权建筑项目,因为这两个项目缺乏必要的环境清理。 The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has halted unauthorized construction projects in Greater Noida and Noida that lack necessary environmental clearances. 这项命令是在对非法开发,包括未经授权抽取表土和钻井作业的投诉之后下达的。 The order came after complaints of illegal development, including the unauthorized extraction of topsoil and operation of borewells. NGT已指示北方邦污染控制委员会确保在恢复施工之前遵守环境规范。 The NGT has instructed the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board to ensure compliance with environmental norms before construction can resume.