在牙买加逮捕了6名嫌犯,罪名是针对国家商业银行的一桩令人怀疑的骗局。 Six suspects arrested in Jamaica for a smishing scam that targeted the National Commercial Bank.
牙买加执法机构逮捕了6名嫌疑人,罪名是针对国家商业银行的洗钱骗局。 Six suspects were arrested by Jamaican law enforcement agencies for a smishing scam targeting the National Commercial Bank. 骗局涉及通过虚假的短信欺骗受害者以分享敏感信息或转移资金。 The scam involved deceiving victims via fake text messages into sharing sensitive information or transferring money. 牙买加各地的多个地点都逮捕了人员,这突出表明了各机构对打击网络犯罪的承诺。 Arrests were made in multiple locations across Jamaica, highlighting the agencies' commitment to combating cybercrime.