尼日利亚Benue的警察逮捕了5名年轻嫌疑人,罪名是盗用身份和网络欺诈。 Police in Benue, Nigeria, arrested five young suspects for identity theft and cyber fraud.
尼日利亚Benue警察逮捕了5名18至21岁的人,罪名是身份盗窃和网络欺诈。 Police in Benue, Nigeria, arrested five individuals, aged 18 to 21, for identity theft and cyber fraud. 这些逮捕是网络犯罪和麻醉品局在收集情报后进行的。 The arrests were made by the Cybercrime and Narcotics Department after intelligence gathering. 当局没收了嫌疑人的几部智能手机,据称嫌疑人利用被盗身份欺骗受害者。 Authorities seized several smartphones from the suspects, who allegedly used stolen identities to defraud victims. 专员Steve Yabanet敦促居民对网络罪犯保持警惕,指出嫌疑人在调查完成后将面临起诉。 Commissioner Steve Yabanet urged residents to remain vigilant against cybercriminals, stating the suspects will face prosecution after investigations are completed.