安全签名增加了Cisco Duo的两要素认证,加强了数字签字和公证的安全性。 Secured Signing adds Cisco Duo for two-factor authentication, boosting security for digital signatures and notarizations.
安全签名已经整合了Cisco Duo单一签名系统,以加强其数字签名和远程在线公证服务的安全性。 Secured Signing has integrated Cisco Duo Single Sign-On to enhance security for its digital signature and Remote Online Notarization services. 这种整合引入了两个要素的认证,简化了登录程序,同时加强了账户安全,并降低了未经授权进入的风险。 This integration introduces two-factor authentication, streamlining login while fortifying account security and reducing risks of unauthorized access. 它向所有客户开放,符合医疗保健和金融等行业的高安全标准。 Available to all customers, it meets high security standards across industries like healthcare and finance.