苏格兰议员不顾秘书的反对, 主张在国家公园举行全民公投。 Scottish councillors push for referendum on national park, despite secretary's opposition.
苏格兰邓弗里斯和加洛韦的议员们正在推动就建立国家公园的计划进行公投,尽管农村事务大臣迈里·古金 (Mairi Gougeon) 反对这一想法并赞成进行咨询过程。 Councillors in Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, are pushing for a referendum on plans to create a national park, despite the Rural Affairs Secretary, Mairi Gougeon, opposing the idea and favoring a consultation process. 由NatureScot管理的磋商定于2月结束。 The consultation, run by NatureScot, is set to end in February. 独立议员Dougie Campbell提出了全民投票的动议,不久将由议会进行辩论。 A motion for the referendum was lodged by independent councillor Dougie Campbell and will be debated by the council soon.