科学家开发出受珊瑚启发的3D骨质材料,促进更快的愈合和自然溶解。 Scientists develop coral-inspired 3D bone material that promotes faster healing and dissolves naturally.
Swansea大学的科学家开发了由珊瑚启发的新的骨骼修复材料,促进更快的愈合并在使用后自然溶解。 Scientists at Swansea University have developed a new bone repair material inspired by coral, which promotes faster healing and dissolves naturally after use. 这个由三维印刷的材料, 由氢氧化亚丙酸盐和阿拉贡酸盐制成, 帮助新骨头在2至4周内生长, 并在6至12个月内溶解, 只留下健康的骨骼。 This 3D-printed material, made of hydroxyapatite and aragonite, helps new bone grow within 2-4 weeks and dissolves within 6-12 months, leaving only healthy bone. 在临床前期研究中取得成功,可以结束对捐赠者骨头的需求,改进骨骼修复程序。 Successful in preclinical studies, it could end the need for donor bones and improve bone repair procedures.