卡塔尔使用Capa-Masquelet技术进行首次手术,使腿部免于截肢。 Qatar performs first surgeries using Capa-Masquelet technique to save legs from amputation.
卡塔尔的哈马德医疗公司利用卡帕-马斯奎莱技术进行了两次开创性手术,以重建大腿骨和防止截肢。 Hamad Medical Corporation in Qatar performed two pioneering surgeries using the Capa-Masquelet technique to reconstruct thigh bones and prevent amputations. 这一创新方法结合了组织增压和骨架组合,以恢复骨的体力和功能,是该国第一个采用的方法。 This innovative method combines tissue boosting and bone grafting to restore bone strength and functionality, marking a first for the country. 这些手术帮助了一个患有恶性肿瘤的青少年和一个因车祸而受到严重创伤的人,这符合卫生监测中心对高级医疗护理的承诺。 The surgeries helped a teenager with a malignant tumor and a man with severe trauma from a car accident, aligning with HMC's commitment to advanced medical care.